"Emptiness is described as the basis that makes everything possible."
-The Twelfth Tai Situpa Rinposche
It does not mean Void or Nothingness to be empty. It means that you have a conceivable conception of reallity around you and that anything is possible.
The problem we have is clarity. We must seek to be clear of all thought so that the inner thought connected to the cosmos is allowed to shine through and guide us.
We are disconnected, all of us. You have to sit still and take it all in.
Imagine a huge lake flat and unmoving. Now imagine taking a shot glass full of this lake water and holding it to the sun.
Drop one grain of sand in that glass, this is you. Small but important.
Pour the water back in the lake and the grain of sand.
Now try to find that grain of sand again. Not possible?
Close your eyes and it could magically return to your empty glass.
The mind can do anything. The hard part is making the mind and body connect.
You have to live between the mind and the physical world. Why?
Because, we are in a human body.
Do you still believe you have no spirit?
The spirit and the imagination are the same thing.
Become a child again and you will be one with your spirit, then all is possible.
"The mind is empty in essence. Although empty, everything constantly arises in it."
-The Third Gyalwang Karmapa
"Emptiness is a Blank canvas, only a stroke of a brush dipped in the finest ink will make beautiful words appear." -broc
That one thing that is not happening to your liking, is because, you did not create it yet. It will never happen without first imagining it.
Arrange a pile of sticks a certain way and you create patterns that can be
It is here in the creations of your mind that your power exist.
TASK: You will need a box of tooth picks or matches.
Take those little sticks and scatter them out on a flat surface.
Sit really still and quiet your mind.
Breathe deep and let the stress fall away. You have no worries now.
Your answers are coming.
Open your eyes and without thinking start arranging the sticks into different shapes.
Keep doing this until your done. "You will know when your done."
"Don't go back and change the patterns yet."
Close your eyes again and imagine your question to the answers that you have just created. "Yes, answers first then questions.
I bet you have more direction now. This is the Ideas that I want you to start working on.
"Physical objects do not exist in space, but are spatially extended.
In this way the concept of empty space loses its meaning."-Albert Einstein
So simple and yet so misunderstood.
If things do not exist then why do we worry about THINGS so much?
We are so absorbed in what we do NOT have that we forget what we need.
Don't wait till your death bed to tell someone you love them.
"Fresh awareness of whatever arises...is sufficient."_The Ninth Gyalwang Karmapa
This is the approach to the morning sun. You can't stop this from happening.
So enjoy the rays and grow some tomatoes.
Just take it as it is given. When you are facing a problem in life fix it.
I'm not asking you to build the Hoover Dam, but if your drowning you can learn how to doggy paddle.
Face it head on and let everything else go.
If someone has hurt you, let it go. As long as you stay hurt then they have the power. You have full control of every emotion and decision.
Be that beacon of light that you see in other people.
Smile for you are a wonderful creature, deserving of all the love in the world.
The strongest energy on earth is the LOVE energy.
If you want love you have to give it first.
Life is a circle and you must give to get.
I love you my little creatures. Now go and be kind.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Clumsy blog day 30
We Fall so hard and we run too fast.
Life is like a Maze. The kind of maze that has ever changing walls and trap doors.
I suppose my life is like this most of the time.
I remember a wild movie called "The Labyrinth," were the maze wall captured the girl and she was lost without hope.
She made it to the castle and saved her brother.
This movie is true to life.
Because she did not know her own strength, her love for her brother or her many weaknesses. She was given all that by her journey through an imaginary land.
I do not want to wait and find out who I love the most and what keeps me down.
Not anymore. This year is the year of renewal, a revival of the inner self.
I will find the answers or die wondering. The whole point of life and the fuel that fires us up is finding the answers.
The greatest minds to ever walk this path gave us everything that we use and take for granted in our sedentary lives.
There is nothing to explore, conquer or invent, so it seems.
Yet, this fire in our belly still burns and rocks us to sleep at night anticipating the next day.
Do we give up that easy? Some of us do and some of us have.
Get up, wake up, drive your self on. It is time to wake up your soul.
Join all of your connective energies into one unit and set your trail on fire.
Life is a battle. Earth is the battle field. We are here to endure.
You can drown in the ocean or you can swim and learn how to build a boat.
Stop right now with excuses.
Quit saying to yourself that you Can not do something.
You can learn. Be the self efficient wild ambassador of independence that looms inside of you.
You must use your heart in every decision. Place no blame on the past or someone else. No body owes you a darn thing. Certainly not a free ride.
I have taken a free ride for long enough. This train I have been on needs to retire.
I want to build my own train.
Renew, grow and refresh is the mantra for the times.
Look around the world today, take a good look at the devastation and inhumanity.
Does this not shake you to the core. I do not want to grow old and wonder what I did not do to help.
I feel the fire everyday getting larger and larger in my gut.
It has gained strength in the past few years and it is about to explode.
You have it too. Maybe your fire is overshadowed by stress or responsibility.
If you do not find your fire and let it show its light then you will have failed.
Now take a moment and listen to the words in my song. I wrote them for you.
My friends my brothers and sisters.
I love you
Life is like a Maze. The kind of maze that has ever changing walls and trap doors.
I suppose my life is like this most of the time.
I remember a wild movie called "The Labyrinth," were the maze wall captured the girl and she was lost without hope.
She made it to the castle and saved her brother.
This movie is true to life.
Because she did not know her own strength, her love for her brother or her many weaknesses. She was given all that by her journey through an imaginary land.
I do not want to wait and find out who I love the most and what keeps me down.
Not anymore. This year is the year of renewal, a revival of the inner self.
I will find the answers or die wondering. The whole point of life and the fuel that fires us up is finding the answers.
The greatest minds to ever walk this path gave us everything that we use and take for granted in our sedentary lives.
There is nothing to explore, conquer or invent, so it seems.
Yet, this fire in our belly still burns and rocks us to sleep at night anticipating the next day.
Do we give up that easy? Some of us do and some of us have.
Get up, wake up, drive your self on. It is time to wake up your soul.
Join all of your connective energies into one unit and set your trail on fire.
Life is a battle. Earth is the battle field. We are here to endure.
You can drown in the ocean or you can swim and learn how to build a boat.
Stop right now with excuses.
Quit saying to yourself that you Can not do something.
You can learn. Be the self efficient wild ambassador of independence that looms inside of you.
You must use your heart in every decision. Place no blame on the past or someone else. No body owes you a darn thing. Certainly not a free ride.
I have taken a free ride for long enough. This train I have been on needs to retire.
I want to build my own train.
Renew, grow and refresh is the mantra for the times.
Look around the world today, take a good look at the devastation and inhumanity.
Does this not shake you to the core. I do not want to grow old and wonder what I did not do to help.
I feel the fire everyday getting larger and larger in my gut.
It has gained strength in the past few years and it is about to explode.
You have it too. Maybe your fire is overshadowed by stress or responsibility.
If you do not find your fire and let it show its light then you will have failed.
Now take a moment and listen to the words in my song. I wrote them for you.
My friends my brothers and sisters.
I love you
Saturday, January 16, 2010
day 16 build your peace
I'm going to challenge everyone.
Build your self a meditation space.
This is increasingly important, especially in our time of technology saturation.
We all love our computers and television. It has proven to be a very effective way to stay connected with the ones we love. We get so busy in our lives that we have not the time to write or call each other. This is acceptable.
We work hard play hard and run so fast in one day that we all crash into our comfy beds and dream of the next day.
This is my solution to bring it all back to the center.
I'm going to build a meditation room. How?
Well I have an acre of land and plenty of tools, I'm going to borrow of course.
The plan is to draw a conception drawing, determine the materials I may need and then start to build.
Don't get scared everyone. Im not building a palace. Just a platform with a mini fence around it.
Simple place just for me to go to and be still.
All of my people should have a place to be still.
All of my people should have a place that is nothing else but a place for meditation.
Maybe you have a small bench in the back of your garden. Maybe you have an old chair on your porch. Any of these and many more possibilities may be used.
BUT, you must make it special. Exclusive and special.
"Could this be my bath?" No. A bath is a bath.
This will require a well thought out plan and a commitment to meditation.
My imagination led me to my drawing. Im going to create this space in my head on the earth under my feet.
All of your answers are in your own mind.
You get to a place in your mind that connects your body to the cosmos.
Imagine space as a series of connecting highways. On these highways run several trains. Get on the right train and you could get to your answer place.
Im going to go into detail about meditation in future blogs.
The first step for you is to build your meditation room.
I like to call mine the NEST. Like mother bird getting ready for her egg.
My egg in this case is the inner light of my true self.
So go now and Build Your Nest.
You must have this to succeed.
Love you all, broc
Thursday, January 14, 2010
day 14 let go
On the subject of letting go, it is imperative that you keep it all consistent.
It all comes down to forgiveness and inner peace.
Forgive yourself like a dog forgives his owner.
You may strike a dog for a bad mistake, but he will still look to you for guidance and love.
You may strike me with words or your fist and I too will love you the same.
Even if you can no longer sustain a relationship with someone because of your past,
you can still love them all the same.
Quit taking and start giving right away. Don't give up on other people.
If a person is pushed aside and stripped of loving kindness they may give up on themselves. This is the key. Quit worrying about what DID happen to you, instead imagine a way that you can help the ENEMY. Learn this and you will see peace.
What is letting go?
{Thich Naht Hahn}""People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."
— Thich Nhat Hanh
That is so true. We get caught in the stream without a paddle.
We may have a comfy boat, but if we forget our paddle then we lose control.
I'm not gonna just float down the stream, I've got things to do.
"This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you."
— Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)
Would you deny someone of this. Love really is the answer, cliche or no cliche.
I aim to love more than anything else. I aim to receive love without fear.
You must not forget to receive love as much as you get love. Its like having two hands to carry the weight of the world.
"In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each of us responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. It hurt when I lost each of the various men I fell in love with. Now, though, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it."
— Paulo Coelho
Having someone to call your own love is only to get love in return.
Freedom is loving without owning. This is true happiness.
True freedom.
love you guys.......
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
day 13 i died now im an elephant..
I suffer from depression.
This I admit.
How could I ever be healed if i could not face the truth of my situation.
I dare you all to own up.
Quit hiding from your truth and let others come in and help you.
I chose to come back to my blog on the thirteenth. For me this day has always brought me good luck.
Be there for yourself. Face the mirror and ADMIT.
The Christians call this repenting. I call it freedom...
You must learn that all of us at one time or another will, have or do suffer from depression at sometime in our life.
We get depressed because we are not free. Whatever it is that we want to be doing and are not doing by following instinct will make us depressed.
Its all about freedom.
What you can do, is free yourself. Do what you want in every moment. When you cannot have an experience that you really desire you become depressed.
Why are you running outside to make you happy. You must be happy within.
You Must lie still and create your own transcendence.
Stare at the patterns in the clouds and allow yourself to fly through them, breathe deep and get lost in the open sky.
We constantly compare ourselves to others and by doing so, this makes us sad.
Keep moving that's all we can do. You are the beginning of an elephant train, if you stop the herd will crash into each other.
Lead others to happy. If your happy then so am I.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 6 Reality
Thich Nhat Hanh
Embrace Reality
When you deny the reality of life, you appreciate it less.
I am of the nature to grow old.
There is no way to escape growing old.
I am of the nature to have ill health.
There is no way to escape ill health.
I am of the nature to die.
There is no way to escape death.
All that is dear to me and everyone I love
are the nature to change.
There is no way to escape
being separated from them.
My actions are my only true belongings.
I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.
My actions are the ground upon which I stand.
from: The Plum Village Chanting, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Broc Says,
What Ive learned This day.
Reality is Simple. Everything that can happen is Out of control in most aspects of life. There is no way that each day, hour or minute can be as planned.
You just have to let it go. Suck in your gut and get over it.
Imagine this: Your on your way home from a long hard day. Your extremely tired, ready to get home and put your feet up after a long bath, then WAM.
The cars out of gas. As you pull over to the side of the interstate you roll over a nail and your tire is now flat.
What do you do??
Start cussing. Through your arms in the air and let the stress over come your body.
This is what I would do.
Grab my belly and support the enormous laughter that is my stupidity.
Laugh laugh and laugh again.
There is nothing you can do but fix the problem in front of you.
Always steady but not overwhelmed.
Life is so difficult sometimes and you may think that it couldn't get any worse, but it is never as bad for you as it is for someone else.
Each moment of everyday is a moment for learning how to be stronger and better.
Reality is relative.
Embrace Reality
When you deny the reality of life, you appreciate it less.
I am of the nature to grow old.
There is no way to escape growing old.
I am of the nature to have ill health.
There is no way to escape ill health.
I am of the nature to die.
There is no way to escape death.
All that is dear to me and everyone I love
are the nature to change.
There is no way to escape
being separated from them.
My actions are my only true belongings.
I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.
My actions are the ground upon which I stand.
from: The Plum Village Chanting, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Broc Says,
What Ive learned This day.
Reality is Simple. Everything that can happen is Out of control in most aspects of life. There is no way that each day, hour or minute can be as planned.
You just have to let it go. Suck in your gut and get over it.
Imagine this: Your on your way home from a long hard day. Your extremely tired, ready to get home and put your feet up after a long bath, then WAM.
The cars out of gas. As you pull over to the side of the interstate you roll over a nail and your tire is now flat.
What do you do??
Start cussing. Through your arms in the air and let the stress over come your body.
This is what I would do.
Grab my belly and support the enormous laughter that is my stupidity.
Laugh laugh and laugh again.
There is nothing you can do but fix the problem in front of you.
Always steady but not overwhelmed.
Life is so difficult sometimes and you may think that it couldn't get any worse, but it is never as bad for you as it is for someone else.
Each moment of everyday is a moment for learning how to be stronger and better.
Reality is relative.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 5 jump
Oh gosh, how many times am I going to go on the same ride.
Do you ever feel like your stuck? Ever feel like you have a rock attached to your leg and its so heavy that you can do nothing but drag it along?
Well it is time to jump. Get out of the tornado and do it all different.
Ive learned today that when you allow yourself the freedom from the trappings of life.
You too can start to come out of the ditch.
Make something, cook something, play a new game.
Get a small writing pad and pen, keep it with you at all times.
Now, when the Idea comes to you no matter what it is, write it down.
Everyday Day I have great ideas. Every single Day.
What Have I done about them?
I have opened my third eye. This Daily practice will bring balance to my life and the creativity will poor out like a spout of water.
"Breathe in deep, smell the earth and air. Let the pressure of daily life snap like a twig and be tossed aside.
Open your eyes only looking up to the sky, now see the clouds open up and let you see beyond the stars.
Feel now the perfect quiet of space. Only hear your breath.
Shooting stars appear and take your breath as it comes out of your mouth.
You can feel the heat of the star as it passes.
Can you see the Planets in the distance to your right. Wow Saturn's rings are brilliant.
Now look back behind Saturn, see Pluto?
Come back and sit where you are."
Life here is small. WHY ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT IT.
Get out there do what you love everyday. No excuses anymore no more holding back.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day Four I am not mean
So many moments of selfishness overshadow my moments of kindness.
It is easy for one to me selfish. It is difficult to be kind.
Listen to the bell and let the mind be clear of suffering.
How many times have you been able to help someone and just let them fall.
I know I have. Some how I think, "maybe I can just help someone tomorrow."
"Oops I'm sorry I didn't hold the door for you."
"Oops I'm sorry I didn't call you back."
There are so many tragedies among the world that most of us privileged readers of blogs and keepers of false heat on cold winter days will never see.
Well then I must not let myself be a part of small tragedies in my own world.
"If I kill a butterfly, the baby bird may go without food and die."
Every storm starts with a single drop of water.
I'm working on this today. What is my impact on the pain of the world.
Do I suffer depression because I hurt YOU.
No matter the Pain inside that I have I know that if I reach out and love someone else my pain will get smaller.
You all must try this.
When you are upset or down about your situation, stop, and find someone to give love to. Your light will always shine brighter than the darkness.
Good luck my friends.
May you all release your suffering and turn it into love instead.
It is easy for one to me selfish. It is difficult to be kind.
Listen to the bell and let the mind be clear of suffering.
How many times have you been able to help someone and just let them fall.
I know I have. Some how I think, "maybe I can just help someone tomorrow."
"Oops I'm sorry I didn't hold the door for you."
"Oops I'm sorry I didn't call you back."
There are so many tragedies among the world that most of us privileged readers of blogs and keepers of false heat on cold winter days will never see.
Well then I must not let myself be a part of small tragedies in my own world.
"If I kill a butterfly, the baby bird may go without food and die."
Every storm starts with a single drop of water.
I'm working on this today. What is my impact on the pain of the world.
Do I suffer depression because I hurt YOU.
No matter the Pain inside that I have I know that if I reach out and love someone else my pain will get smaller.
You all must try this.
When you are upset or down about your situation, stop, and find someone to give love to. Your light will always shine brighter than the darkness.
Good luck my friends.
May you all release your suffering and turn it into love instead.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Day three Dad
As the days go by in our lives, we have to stop and think hard about what drives us on.
For me its my Dad and Mom.
Today Im gonna talk a about my Dad. Gary
"I woke up crying late at night
when I was very young.
I had dreamed my father
had passed away and gone.
"And I said "Daddy, I'm so afraid
how will I go on with you gone that way?
Don't wanna cry anymore
so may I stay with you?"
"Every person carves his spot
and fills the hole with light.
And I pray someday I might
light as bright as he."
My Dad is my inspiration.
Ive never met a more selfless man in all my life.
Thank you Dad for reminding me to Give to others.
We all have to dig deep and find the things that make are hearts cry and sing.
When you tap into this, I believe anything is possible.
So, sit back and meditate really quietly and find your inner drive.
Thich's meditation got me to this idea today.
"the miracle of mindfulness."
For me its my Dad and Mom.
Today Im gonna talk a about my Dad. Gary
"I woke up crying late at night
when I was very young.
I had dreamed my father
had passed away and gone.
"And I said "Daddy, I'm so afraid
how will I go on with you gone that way?
Don't wanna cry anymore
so may I stay with you?"
"Every person carves his spot
and fills the hole with light.
And I pray someday I might
light as bright as he."
My Dad is my inspiration.
Ive never met a more selfless man in all my life.
Thank you Dad for reminding me to Give to others.
We all have to dig deep and find the things that make are hearts cry and sing.
When you tap into this, I believe anything is possible.
So, sit back and meditate really quietly and find your inner drive.
Thich's meditation got me to this idea today.
"the miracle of mindfulness."
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Day two of the beggining
Well folks i spent the whole day at work then came home to go help KYLE re shop for Christmas. "meaning he didn't get exactly what he wanted."
I learned this today and this is what i learned.
Being stuck inside is the worst thing for an outside person.
From the early days of the Broc-inator, Ive been addicted to the outdoors.
While everyone may not know this hidden fact of truth, its in my heart.
I love everything about the outside world and nature in general.
Dreams of farm life rumbling through my head.
I imagine a field full bright green grass lit up by the midday sun.
A group of goats frolicking through the barn chowing down everything in sight.
Horses, only two, greet me at my back porch begging for scraps.
Oh what a dream I have.
You Stop Dreaming you die..
I learned this today and this is what i learned.
Being stuck inside is the worst thing for an outside person.
From the early days of the Broc-inator, Ive been addicted to the outdoors.
While everyone may not know this hidden fact of truth, its in my heart.
I love everything about the outside world and nature in general.
Dreams of farm life rumbling through my head.
I imagine a field full bright green grass lit up by the midday sun.
A group of goats frolicking through the barn chowing down everything in sight.
Horses, only two, greet me at my back porch begging for scraps.
Oh what a dream I have.
You Stop Dreaming you die..
Friday, January 1, 2010
The beggining is the end
Well Students it all starts here. This is the year I change the error of my ways.
What does this mean?
For starters I'm a year away from 30 and I'm a cashier at Whole Foods Market.
Ive been going around in circles all my life like a dog chasing his tail.
Can this be stopped, corrected, fixed, I think it can.
I Know it can and I'm gonna do it.
Bottom line is I know that I have the smarts capability and sometimes the will to make it happen.
This is the way it will be.
I'm going to read every piece of writing by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Each day I will document what Ive learned and how it has changed me.
What does this mean?
For starters I'm a year away from 30 and I'm a cashier at Whole Foods Market.
Ive been going around in circles all my life like a dog chasing his tail.
Can this be stopped, corrected, fixed, I think it can.
I Know it can and I'm gonna do it.
Bottom line is I know that I have the smarts capability and sometimes the will to make it happen.
This is the way it will be.
I'm going to read every piece of writing by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Each day I will document what Ive learned and how it has changed me.
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