Sunday, January 31, 2010

Emptiness Day 31

"Emptiness is described as the basis that makes everything possible."
-The Twelfth Tai Situpa Rinposche

It does not mean Void or Nothingness to be empty. It means that you have a conceivable conception of reallity around you and that anything is possible.

The problem we have is clarity. We must seek to be clear of all thought so that the inner thought connected to the cosmos is allowed to shine through and guide us.

We are disconnected, all of us. You have to sit still and take it all in.

Imagine a huge lake flat and unmoving. Now imagine taking a shot glass full of this lake water and holding it to the sun.
Drop one grain of sand in that glass, this is you. Small but important.
Pour the water back in the lake and the grain of sand.
Now try to find that grain of sand again. Not possible?
Close your eyes and it could magically return to your empty glass.
The mind can do anything. The hard part is making the mind and body connect.

You have to live between the mind and the physical world. Why?
Because, we are in a human body.

Do you still believe you have no spirit?
The spirit and the imagination are the same thing.
Become a child again and you will be one with your spirit, then all is possible.

"The mind is empty in essence. Although empty, everything constantly arises in it."
-The Third Gyalwang Karmapa

"Emptiness is a Blank canvas, only a stroke of a brush dipped in the finest ink will make beautiful words appear." -broc

That one thing that is not happening to your liking, is because, you did not create it yet. It will never happen without first imagining it.

Arrange a pile of sticks a certain way and you create patterns that can be
It is here in the creations of your mind that your power exist.

TASK: You will need a box of tooth picks or matches.
Take those little sticks and scatter them out on a flat surface.
Sit really still and quiet your mind.
Breathe deep and let the stress fall away. You have no worries now.
Your answers are coming.
Open your eyes and without thinking start arranging the sticks into different shapes.
Keep doing this until your done. "You will know when your done."
"Don't go back and change the patterns yet."
Close your eyes again and imagine your question to the answers that you have just created. "Yes, answers first then questions.

I bet you have more direction now. This is the Ideas that I want you to start working on.

"Physical objects do not exist in space, but are spatially extended.
In this way the concept of empty space loses its meaning."-Albert Einstein

So simple and yet so misunderstood.
If things do not exist then why do we worry about THINGS so much?
We are so absorbed in what we do NOT have that we forget what we need.
Don't wait till your death bed to tell someone you love them.

"Fresh awareness of whatever sufficient."_The Ninth Gyalwang Karmapa

This is the approach to the morning sun. You can't stop this from happening.
So enjoy the rays and grow some tomatoes.

Just take it as it is given. When you are facing a problem in life fix it.
I'm not asking you to build the Hoover Dam, but if your drowning you can learn how to doggy paddle.

Face it head on and let everything else go.

If someone has hurt you, let it go. As long as you stay hurt then they have the power. You have full control of every emotion and decision.

Be that beacon of light that you see in other people.
Smile for you are a wonderful creature, deserving of all the love in the world.

The strongest energy on earth is the LOVE energy.
If you want love you have to give it first.

Life is a circle and you must give to get.

I love you my little creatures. Now go and be kind.


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